Song Titles:
- The consonant song
- The letter “B”
- The letter “C” (hard and soft)
- The letter “D”
- The letter “F”
- Consonant Review for “B,C,D,F”
- The letter “G” (hard and soft)
- The letter “H”
- The letter “J”
- The letter “K”
- Consonant Review for “G,H,J,K”
- The letter “L”
- The letter “M”
- The letter “N”
- The letter “P”
- Consonant Review for “L,M,N,P”
- The letter “Q”
- The letter “R”
- The letter “S”
- The letter “T”
- Consonant Review for “Q,R,S,T”
- The letter “V”
- The letter “W”
- The letter “X”
- The letter “Y”
- The letter “Z”
- Consonant Review for “V,W,X,Y,Z”
- The Short Vowel Song
- The short sound of “a”
- The short sound of “e”
- The short sound of “i”
- The short sound of “o”
- The short sound of “u”
- A Short Vowel Story
- The Long Vowel Song
- The long sound of “a”
- The long sound of “e”
- The long sound of “i”
- The long sound of “o”
- The long sound of “u”
- A Long Vowel Story
- “Y” as a Vowel
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